We landed in Guangzhou late last night. The kids were amazing for the most part. Kingston took his first airplane ride in stride. There was a lot for him to look at – his own little TV, headphones, magazines, he took it all in. Everest was happy that there was a game console on the TV. I was ok until Everest spilled his whole yogurt on the ground. It was the last straw in an already very stressful day. My eyes physically hurt. We didn’t get to sleep until around 1:00 am and we were up at 6:45. Plus, I had to sleep with Everest and he used me as a scratching post for his dry legs while he was sleeping. It was kind of like being humped by a dog.
We arrived at the China Hotel Marriott in Guangzhou and it was honestly such a relieving experience. We were so over Beijing and were beyond excited to land in warm weather. I was never a fan of the White Swan hotel that most adoptive parents stay at in Guangzhou. It is closed for rennovations and although we are not directly on Shamian Island, we are a short drive away and our hotel is super nice.
The medical exam was today. The term medical exam shall be used loosely as it is a chaotic mess of screaming children and doctors doing the least amount of medical work possible. Wow, you would honestly not believe how crazy it is.
So KTL is not a happy camper today. He is not happy at all. He is in turn making the rest of us not happy. He is a screaming, bratty, typical 3 year old who did not get enough sleep. He is making my head hurt. I want to make his head hurt. He needs to go to sleep, like now.
So the other day I forgot to mention that Kingston got to ride in an elevator all by himself. Yes, we are already teaching the young lad independence. Actually, we are neglectful parents and we all got off the elevator without the poor dear. He rode down to the parking garage by himself while I frantically tried to follow in a separate elevator. Kingston arrived safely back to lobby by his lonesome and I followed shortly after. Everest was bawling his head off because he didn’t want to lose his brother. Meanwhile Ryan and I were cracking up at the debacle. We were wondering if it wouldn’t have been nice to lose him maybe just for an hour or two so that Ryan and I could grab happy hour in peace. Parents of the year.
Today we did some paperwork and we went and “sat” out at the pool. Kingston loves the water, as much as Everest but his body is just so skinny that he gets way too cold. The weather here is absolutely gorgeous and if we didn’t have a three year old crazed maniac with us we might actually say we are on a bit of a vacation for the next couple of days. We may venture out around the hotel tonight to check things out and then it is early to bed. Tomorrow we are supposed to go to a Folk Museum. I think I would rather not. I mean, me, Ryan, a 6 year old caged animal and a 3 year old beaver cannot do a museum without causing total havoc. Ub other news, we were called out today for ordering beer at lunch (I know folks, shocking). Meanwhile, we figure that they are probably hitting the mini-bar hard when they get back to the rooms.
We absolutely love the family we were with in Beijing. They took Everest to the pool today. Love them! They have been wonderful to both us and to Everest.
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