Our Story

For our story please see the post from December 5th.

Ser·en·dip·i·ty - 1. The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident. 2. The fact or occurrence of such discoveries. 3. An instance of making such a discovery.

Red Thread - Ancient Chinese Proverb - An invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hanging in there

We are alive and well. A few days after we got home I was done. My body was done with me. My immune system said enough is enough of you. I gave you my all for two months. Done. I got sick. I had a fever for about 7 days that wouldn't break. In the middle of it all Ryan also got sick and missed his first day back to work. Thankfully the kids stayed healthy. Needless to say we've had issues just catching up with a life that is moving too fast. I started to feel better right before we hosted Thanksgiving dinner at our house. Luckily enough my dad handled the cooking and both my parents and Ryan's mom brought the side dishes. All I needed to do was buy the turkey and make some dips and instant mashed potatoes. Yesterday Ryan's mom and sister watched the kids while Ryan and I ran to Target to buy some much needed lamps for our living room. It was amazing to just get out of the house to do something for the house without bundling up two kids. It was easy. It made us feel normal. Today is the first day that we are really alone, both home with the kids and feeling ok. After waking up with Everest for a bit this morning I was able to go back to sleep until 10. Kingston luckily can log some hours in the sleep department if everything is quiet around him. It's just a struggle to keep things quiet until he decides to wake up. He usually wakes up completely soaked. Headed back to target today to figure out the diaper situation. Kingston is really quite proud of himself when he pees in his little baby toilet. He lets out a "YAAAAAY!" And there are high fives all around. The other day we were out and he went into the bathroom with me. He got very excited that I went pee in the toilet. He said, "YAAAAAY Momma!" and proceeded with giving me a high five. More later, off to conquer the day.

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