Our Story

For our story please see the post from December 5th.

Ser·en·dip·i·ty - 1. The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident. 2. The fact or occurrence of such discoveries. 3. An instance of making such a discovery.

Red Thread - Ancient Chinese Proverb - An invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Another minute to another hour to another day

And that's how our days have been. I'm not going to lie. This whole ordeal has been challenging since we came home. We're tired, I've been sick three times and Kingston is bringing the terrible threes to a whole new level. It will seem like we've reached a plateau, an even playing field where everybody is going along in some sort of organized chaos (but organized nonetheless) and then we'll be brought back to reality. And reality hits hard. Really hard.

I feel like I'm all doom and gloom in my blog posts and that's mostly because when I write them it's at the end of the night when we've been through putting the kids to bed. An event that we dread from the moment we wake up in the morning. Like I said, it is just challenging. And we have to be up to the challenge because we have no choice in the matter. We signed up for this.

Tonight we asked Kingston where his toes were. We ask this a lot. We are hoping one day he points to something besides his head. Challenging.

Yesterday Everest told me he didn't like it when Kingston took his toys. Today Everest took what Kingston was playing with three times. Challenging (and really annoying to everybody).

We got the carpets cleaned the other week. Apparently the kids don't realize that this costs money because today Kingston spit toothpaste all over our bedroom floor. More than annoying.

Yesterday a little girl called Everest stinky because of his owies on his ankles. We were at the McDonald's playground. All the kids started calling him stinky. I wanted to think of a comeback for him but all I came up with was totally unacceptable to say to a child. I called Ryan after. He said I should have had him say, "Well I am perfect in every other way so shut up you shit cow."

Kingston has diaper rash bad. We are trying to keep diapers off of him while at home. He peed himself sitting at the dinner table. Awesome. Good stuff.

Then there are the things that make me laugh:

We were driving by a corn field today and Everest said, "Mom, that's where the corn on the cobs live."

On the way home Everest said, "You know mom...there are two types of butts. There is the type that is next to your wee wee that you poop out of. Then there is the type that is like, "Mom, but mom, but, but, I really want that. But moom, but, but, but..."

What is being said out loud right now, "Mom why does animals eat animals? I know, because they don't have real life food."

Today I said that perhaps I wasn't cut out to be a mother. But then I look at my two kids and I know that we must be doing something right.

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